Highway Superintendent

Hugh G. Farber


Town of Morehouse Highway Department, 481 French Road, Hoffmeister, NY 13353.

Deputy Highway Superintendent

Richard Garvin


Town of Morehouse Highway Department, 481 French Road, Hoffmeister, NY 13353.

The Highway Dept. Maintains Approximately 17 Miles Of Road Within The Town

In winter months, plowing and sanding of these roads, depending on snow conditions,covers seven days a week.

In the summer months the schedule is for maintenance of our roads such as repairs, raking of gravel roads, paving, brush cutting, mowing and ditching for drainage in the town’s right away.

The superintendent is in charge of maintaining all the town roads for the Town of Morehouse. This includes snow and ice removal, street signage and culverts. He also oversees the highway department employees and their operations, plus maintenance of highway and snow grooming equipment. He is elected for a two year term.

The Town of Morehouse contracts with Hamilton County to transfer its waste to a county transfer station on Route 8 in Lake Pleasant, New York

The highway department also picks up household garbage every Monday Residents must take their recyclables to the town barn on 481 French Road or to the Lake Pleasant Transfer station on Route 8, Lake Pleasant , New York. There are two trash days a year with one on Memorial Day and Labor Day. Residents should have their trash out for pickup NO LATER than the Tuesday, immediately following each Holiday.

Hours of Operation

Summer Hours:
6AM to 4:30PM
Monday thru Thursday

Winter Hours:
6AM to 2:30 PM

Monday thru Friday